
This file describes the simulation- and network-API of UltimateStunts. As UltimateStunts is still under construction, the information in this file does not describe the final design. This file does not describe other UltimateStunts API's, like the file-transfer API, the graphics API or the sound API.
This file was last updated on September 11 2003, by CJP.


Game session

A session in which one or more players are playing the game. This can for example start when a number of players have connected to each other, and stop when all players have either crashed or finished.


A program in the network stucture, connected to one or more client programs. The server program is the "leader" of the game-session it is involved in. It is able to start and to stop the game session. The server distributes data between clients, and acts as a central point for simulations. The server is able to provide zero or more players for the game session.


A program in the network structure, connected to a server program. The client program accepts the server as the "leader" of the game session. It is able to provide one or more players for the game session.

Stand-alone program

A program not connected to any other program via network connections. The stand-alone program is the "leader" of its own game-session, and all players participating in that game-session are provided by the stand-alone program.


A person or a program-section participating in a game session. Every player controls one moving object: the output of the player influences the behaviour of the moving object.

Local player

A player who's behaviour is controlled by the program being discussed. This is totally equivalent to saying that this player is provided by the program being discussed.

Remote player

A player who's behaviour is controlled by another program than the one being discussed. Remote players only exist in networked game sessions, so they don't exist in a standalone program. Every non-local player is a remote player.

Human player

A player who's behaviour is controlled by user-input. If the program, to which the user-input is being sent, is being discussed, then the human player would be called a local player.

AI player

A player who's behaviour is controlled by a computer algoritm. If the program, in which the algoritm is located, is being discussed, then the AI player would be called a local player.

Physical object

An object that is a part of the physical model of the game.

Object parameter

Information necessary to describe the state of a (physical) object. Examples are: position, velocity and engine RPM of a car. Properties that remain constant during the game, like the speed of a windmill or the mass of a car, are not parameters; these are predictable, and are not necessary for describing the state of the object.

Static object

A type of (physical) object that has zero parameters, so that its behaviour can be predicted from the beginning of the game. Tiles are examples of static objects

Dynamic object

A type of (physical) object that has one or more parameters. Dynamic objects can be influenced by physical events. Cars are examples of dynamic objects.

Moving object

A type of physical object, that has at least the position, velocity, orientation and angular velocity as its parameters. By definition, all moving objects are dynamic objects. Cars are examples of moving objects.


A set of objects, both static and dynamic, defining the environment of the game session. All physical objects involved in the game session are parts of the world.


A simulation modifies the state of the moving objects in the world, in accordance to the input from the players. For example, there are simulations that implement physical laws, or that check the rules of the game. There are also simulations that synchronise the world data in all programs in a networked game session. A program can use more than one simulation at the same time.


CBinBuffer : public vector<Uint8>

CBinBuffer is our standard binary container class.


CMessageBuffer : public CBinBuffer

CMessageBuffer is an advanced CBinBuffer, special for CMessages. It contains a header and message-specific data. header+data is called buffer.

Methods+properties: Uses:


CMessage is a base-class for all kinds of messages: e.g. input data from a player to its moving object, or dynamic object parameter data. Data can be converted to a binary representation using the getBuffer method. Derived classes might want to overload getBuffer and setBuffer in order to adapt the behaviour of the object. They probably also overload the getType method.

Methods+properties: Uses:


An ObjectChoice message is used to describe what kind of moving object is desired by a player. This includes the kind of object (car, train, cow etc.), the type (e.g. the car model) and additional settings.

Methods+properties: Uses:

CMovObjInput : CMessage

Input data coming from a player and going to a moving object. Input data is handled in a general way using the four float properties.

Methods+properties: Uses:

CCarInput : CMovObjInput

Input data coming from a player and going to a CCar object. Derived from CMovObjInput. Steering data is sent via m_Right, gas data via m_Forward, brake data via m_Backward and m_Up is not used.

Methods+properties: Uses:


CMaterial provides material-properties, like the static & dynamic friction coefficients. It also contains data for other subsytems of the game, like the location of a corresponding texture file.

Methods+properties: Uses:


CShape provides a vertex-based collision model. It also contains data for other subsytems of the game, like the location of the geometry file.

Methods+properties: Uses:


CBound provides a plane-based collision model. It also contains data for other subsytems of the game, like the location of the geometry file.

Methods+properties: Uses:


CTile is the elementary data type of which a track is built. The track actually is an array of this type. The place in the array, together with the m_Z property define the position of the tile, while the m_R property defines the orientation. The m_Shape property is an index of an element of the shapes-array.



A part of a physical object. The bodies of a physical object are rigid bodies, and they can move relative to each other. The m_Position and m_Orientation properties define the position and orientation of the body, and the m_Body property is the index of an element of the bound-array.

Methods+properties: Uses:

CDynamicObject : public CMessage

Implementation of a dynamic object. It is derived from CMessage, so that its parameters can be get/set via the get/setBuffer methods. Input data of this object can be reached via m_InputData. Players/network interfaces can set this, and simulations/network interfaces can read it. The constructor of the derived classes should create a m_InputData of the right type.
As this class is used for physical objects, m_Bodies and m_Sounds have been added.

Methods+properties: Uses:

CMovingObject : public CDynamicObject

Implementation of the moving object as described in the definitions. Various methods provide a vector-based version of the position-data. Derived classes may have additional parameters. If so, they have to provide their own getBuffer and setBuffer overload methods.
By default, CMovingObject uses a m_InputData of the type CMovObjInput.
The simulate method simulates the type-dependent physics of the moving object.

Methods+properties: Uses:

CCar : public CMovingObject

CCar is a class derived from CMovingObject. The m_InputData member is of the type CCarInput.

Methods+properties: Uses:


Implementation of the "world" as described in the definitions.

Methods+properties: Uses:


Base-class for all players. On initialisation, the world object should be given to the player. When the object is registered by a CPlayerControl-object, the m_MovingObjectId and m_PlayerId should be set.
When update() is called, the player-object is allowed to think about its intelligent response, and it writes its actions to the m_InputData of its CMovingObject.

Methods+properties: Uses:

CAIPlayerCar : public CPlayer

Implementation of a local AI player, specialised in controlling cars.


CClientNet : public CFileCtrl

CClientNet is the client-side implementation of the network protocol. It is derived from CFileCtrl, so that it can manage file downloads.

Methods+properties: Uses:


CServerNet is the server-side implementation of the network protocol.

Methods+properties: Uses:


Base-class for all simulations. A CSimulation-object should be used as follows:

Methods+properties: Uses:

CPhysics : public CSimulation

CSimulation-class doing the "real" physics calculations.


CApproximation : public CSimulation

CSimulation-class approximating physics with some fast calculations.


CClientSim : public CSimulation

CSimulation-class to be used in client-programs. Connects to the server program and synchronises the world-data frequently. CClientSim does not simulate any physics, but it can be used together with CPhysics or CApproximation. To choose between them, use the CClientNet::hasSlowConectionType() method.

Methods+properties: Uses:

CRuleControl : public CSimulation

CRuleControl checks if players are following the right route, gives them penalty time, checks if theyre finished, etc. This simulation can be used together with CPhysics in a server program or in a local game.



CPlayerControl is used to manage the players in a game session. With the addPlayer method, an integer is returned, which can be put in the m_PlayerId property of a CPlayer object. A negative value means that the adding was not succesful, for example, because it was refused by the server. After all local players have been added with addPlayer, the loadObjects method should be called. This will load the moving objects of all players into the world object.
The default implementation is suitable for local games.

Methods+properties: Uses:

CClientPlayerControl : CPlayerControl

An implementation of CPlayerControl based on communication with a server, for use on the client-side of non-local game sessions.

Methods+properties: Uses:


The UltimateStunts main program ("ultimatestunts")

The main program can act both as a client and as a standalone program. The only difference between these is that in the first case a "CClientSim" object is used together with a "CPhysics" or a "CApproximation" object, and in the second case a "CRuleControl" object is used together with "CPhysics". This program creates at least one CHumanPlayer instance, and is able to create several CAIPlayer-instances.

The UltimateStunts server program ("stuntsserver")

The server program always acts as a server, and it may also act as a client. The simulation objects in the pure server mode are the same as in the stand-alone mode of the main program. The configuration in client-mode is identical to that of the main program in client-mode. This program is able to add several AI players to the game.
Communication with clients is done by a CServerNet object, possibly by using an indirect way through CPlayer-derived objects.

The UltimateStunts AI client program ("stuntsai")

This is the most simple of the three programs. This program always uses one CClientSim instance an either a CPhysics or a CApproximation instance, and like the other programs, it is able to create several CAIPlayer-instances.